Course Descriptions

EDRE 5053 — Philosophy and History of Education and Education Reform (Spring)

This course traces the historical development of the philosophical debates concerning education and its role in society as well as how those ideas and consequent demands for reform affected the educational system and its structures.

EDRE 5113 — Education Policy in Israel

This course, which is built around a study abroad component in Israel, examines education policy in Israel. It will compare U.S. and Israeli perspectives and ideas on education reform and education innovation in diverse societies.

EDRE 559V — Field Research (Irregular)

Directed graduate-level field research in education policy settings. Prerequisite: Approval of EDRE graduate director. May be repeated for up to 6 hours of degree credit.

EDRE 6023 — Economics of Education (Spring)

This course applies the principles of economic analysis to education and education reform. Topics include: Human capital and signaling theories; education labor markets; educational production functions; public policy and market forces. The course also features empirical evidence evaluating economic theories of education.

EDRE 6033 — Politics of Education (Fall)

This course explores historical and institutional forces that help shape education policymaking. Particular attention will be paid to the experience of past education reform movements as well as the influence of interest groups, federalism, bureaucracy, governance structures, public opinion and judicial review on education policy.

EDRE 6043 — Finance and Education Policy (Spring)

This course examines K-12 education finance from the standpoint of education reform policy. The tools of analysis include economics, public finance, law and political science. Topics include: revenue sources and fiscal federalism, standards-based reform and school finance, school funding formulas, adequacy lawsuits, the politics of school funding, school funding and markets. The course also features empirical evidence on the educational impact of education finance.

EDRE 6053 — Measurement of Educational Outcomes (Fall)

This course will train students to consider the various types of outcome and assessment measures used for education at the K-12 level throughout the United States; further, the students will engage in analyses of research that relies on these various outcome measures.

EDRE 6103 — Quantitative Analytical Techniques for Education Policy (Fall)

This course introduces students to the quantitative techniques required for the evaluation of education policies and interventions. The class will focus on the identification and estimation of causal effects, necessary assumptions, and how to deal with the failure of these assumptions. Major topics covered include randomized experiments, the ordinary least squares regression method, matching estimators, instrumental variable methods, regression discontinuity, difference in difference methods, and introduction to estimation strategies with panel data models.

EDRE 6123 — Intermediate Quantitative Analytical Techniques for Education Policy (Spring)

The class will focus on the identification of causal effects. Major topics covered include: (1) thinking causal, (2) linear regression and matching estimators in observational studies, (3) maximum likelihood estimators, binary, and multinomial choice models in observational studies, (4) randomized experiments, (5) instrumental variable methods, (6) regression discontinuity, (7) difference in difference methods, and (8) panel data models. In addition, this class will continue teaching the use of the main statistical packages for our field: Stata. Throughout the semester, we will be putting the theoretical concepts we learn to work in practical settings with homework assignments and practical examples that will require you to manage and analyze actual data and an empirical project of your choice to practice the new techniques we learn.

EDRE 6143 — Advanced Quantitative Analytical Techniques for Education Policy (Fall)

This course introduces students to advanced estimation methods and empirical models often used in education policy empirical research, such as Maximum Likelihood to estimate discrete choice models, censored models and selection models, duration models, Generalized Method of Moments to estimate dynamic panel data models, and bootstrapping of standard errors and simulation-based inference. Prerequisite: EDRE 6103.

EDRE 6213 — Program Evaluation and Research Design (Fall)

This course provides students with training in the methods used to generate evidence-based answers to questions regarding the efficacy and impacts of education programs. The central questions that motivate most educational program evaluations are: (1) What is the problem? (2) What policies or programs are in place to address the problem? (3) What is their effect? (4) What works better? (5) What are the relative benefits and costs of alternatives? (Same as ESRM 6613)

EDRE 6223 — Research Seminar in Education Policy (Spring)

This course provides students with the opportunity to learn about education policy research by interacting directly with the leading scholars and practitioners in the field. Students will also gain a foundation in the field of education policy research by reading and discussing some of the founding works of the field.

EDRE 636V — Special Problems (Irregular)

Independent reading and investigation in education policy under faculty supervision. Prerequisite: Approval of EDRE graduate director. May be repeated for up to 6 hours of degree credit.

EDRE 6413 — Issues in Education Policy (Fall)

This course examines how K-12 education policy is designed and implemented in the United States. Students will develop a working knowledge of policymaking frameworks to examine major education policies of current interest and debate key policy issues that arise at each level of government. In great measure, the goals of the course will be accomplished through the consideration of opposing stances on key educational policy debates and issues that are of current import.

EDRE 6423 — Seminar in School Choice Policy (Fall)

This course will train students to engage in and evaluate research on the many forms of school choice employed as education reforms.

EDRE 6433 — Seminar in Education Accountability Policy (Spring)

This course will train students to engage in and evaluate research on education accountability at the K-12 level.

EDRE 6443 — Seminar in Education Leadership Policy (Fall)

This course will train students to engage in and evaluate research on the effective leadership of schools and school systems.

EDRE 6453 — Seminar in Teacher Quality and Public Policy (Spring)

Examines how our public system of education shapes the preparation and continued professional development of K-12 teachers, and how that system has been influenced by standards-based education reform as well as efforts to enhance the quality of teaching and learning in public schools. Uses education reform legislation in several states as case studies to illustrate the successes and pitfalls of attempts to reform teacher education and licensure through public policy.

EDRE 6463 — Psychology of Education (Spring)

This course explores a diverse array of findings from psychological science that have bearing on education research and policy. It considers differences between intellectual cultures as a framework for encouraging multidisciplinary perspectives and approaches to solving educational problems and integrates theoretical and empirical approaches from psychology with education policy research and practice.

EDRE 674V—Internship in Education Policy (Irregular)

Internship at a public or private entity involved in the making or implementation of education policy. Paper required on a significant aspect of the internship experience. Prerequisite: Approval of EDRE graduate director.

EDRE 699V—Special Topics (Irregular)

Topics vary depending on instructor. Prerequisite: Approval of EDRE graduate director. May be repeated for up to 9 hours of degree credit.

EDRE 700V—Doctoral Dissertation (Irregular)

Doctoral Dissertation. Prerequisite: Candidacy. May be repeated for up to 18 hours of degree credit.