Mattie Harris

Mattie Harris

211 Graduate Education BuildingHarris
College of Education and Health Professions
Fayetteville, AR 72701

Mattie is a Doctoral Academy Fellow and Graduate Research Assistant in the Department of Education Reform at the University of Arkansas. Mattie graduated with B.A.s in Criminal Justice, Sociology, Arabic, and Middle Eastern Studies from the University of Arkansas in 2019. She received a Foreign Language and Area Studies Defense-funded David L Boren Scholarship to study Arabic in Israel at Hebrew University of Jerusalem during her senior year of undergraduate studies. She has presented research on antisemitism at the Association for Education Finance and Policy (AEFP) conference, attended the EdChoice Academy, as well as served as a Philos Leadership Institute fellow. Mattie is the social media coordinator for the Journal of School Choice. Her research interests include the intersection between social institutions and education, such as religion, family, and politics. Mattie’s current work centers around education initiatives to address antisemitism, the impact of study abroad trips on social and emotional learning, peer-reviewing articles, and creating databases for research projects on criminal justice.

University of Arkansas - Ph.D. in Education Policy (Anticipated 2024)

University of Arkansas — B.A.'s in Criminal Justice, Sociology, Arabic, and Middle Eastern Studies

Middle Eastern Education Systems

Prison Education Systems

Post-secondary outcomes for youth in foster care

Intersection between social institutions and education, such as religion, family, and politics

Addressing antisemitism through education

Impact of university study abroad trips on social and emotional learning

Prison education